Sunday, 7 June 2015

St Johns Ambulance Visit

Today Room 15 were very lucky to be joined by Suzi from the St Johns Ambulance service. This was to fit in with our new inquiry into what jobs people do. She came and explained about the different emergency services there are and what they do.

We learnt what we need to do if there was an emergency and what would happen when we call 111 Javahn and Yuvi demonstrated a role play of a phone call.

The person on the phone will ask what emergency service do you require?
What is your address?
What is your phone number?
Tell me what happened?
Thank you they are on their way?

We got to see a picture of the inside of an ambulance

We then got to see what a St Johns uniform looked like which David got to model for the whole class.

Suzi showed us some of the equipment ambulance workers used; a stethoscope, oxygen mask and bandages for wounds.

We then played a game where we had to decide what emergency service we needed for different picture scenarios. Ambulance, Fire Engine or Police Car

We were then very lucky to hear a story which was about a boy who needed the emergency services.

At the end of the session because we sat so well and listened to our visiter she allowed all the students who wanted to try on the uniform to have a picture with it on. What great ambulance workers Room 15 would make.

1 comment:

  1. It sure was a fun and interesting visit. It is a good time to remember our emergency procedures at home and to learn our address and phone number. I wonder if any of your will be ambulance officers when you grow up.
