Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Life Jacket Swimming

As it was the last swimming lesson for the term Room 15 were very lucky to have a chance to experience what it is like to float and swim with a life jacket on. We learnt how to put it on properly and when we need to wear one. We also learnt that by floating on our backs that we could keep our heads out of the water to breathe. Another important thing that we learnt was that if there were lots of us together in life jackets that we could work cooperatively to float and swim together.

Please enjoy the videos below of our exciting experience.


  1. WOW Room 15 that looks like so much fun. You will all be super safe in the water now.

  2. What a lot of important safety skills you have been learning Room 15. Well done!

  3. You all look like amazing, confident swimmers Room 15.

  4. How fun! You will be water experts. Well done Room 15!
