Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Author Ruth Paul Visit

Tawa School was very lucky today to have the visit of children's author and illustrator Ruth Paul. The students were very lucky to hear the author read a few of her books some of which we were very familiar with. She also took us on a journey into how she goes about creating a new children's book. She explained how she gets her ideas for the title of the story usually through life experiences (this was something the students could really relate to). She then described the process of creating illustrations that give a plot to the story and the many processes this goes through before becoming a final book.

Two lucky students from Room 15 LaDainian and Jason were even lucky enough to help perform the class favourite of Stomp.

This was a very valuable and insightful visit and I can't  wait to see the students writing that has been inspired by this visit.


  1. You did a great job LaDainian and Jason! It was very interesting getting to meet Ruth Paul and learning how she creates her books.

  2. It was so exciting to meet Ruth. She was such a great storyteller. We are so lucky to have so many wonderful authors at school and lots of them are in Room 15!!!!

  3. Ruth is now my favourite author after her amazing visit!

  4. Yuvi is so inspired after Ruth's visit that he created two story books with pictures. I am really impressed!! And the credit goes to Tawa teachers and the management for giving such a wonderful exposure to the budding author's of future. Well done!!
