Thursday, 28 May 2015

Captain Cashtastic

Today Room 15 were very lucky to have a visit from a special guest Captain Cashtastic. He came to teach us all about money. We learnt what all the coins and notes were and how to order them smallest to largest. We also discussed the difference between the things that we need and want. Room 15 are now money superheroes.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

AFL (Aussie Rules)

This term for P.E the school we are doing our swimming lessons as well as AFL which stands for Aussie Rules Football. This is a very good sport for learning ball skills, team work, coordination, communication and is full of enjoyment.

Room 15 had the second week of lessons today and were learning how to Handball to each other. This was broken down into simple steps. With the students holding the ball in one hand (like it was on a plate), then swing our arms through like a pirate dance and hit the ball with the other like we had an empty ice cream cone. This followed up from last weeks lesson on the Drop punt.

It was great to get outside and enjoy the weather this afternoon after a very frosty start to the day.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Room 15's Amazing Planets

This term Room 15 has been learning about all the wonderful different planets in our solar system. After finding out lots about all the planets that exist, we decided that it would be fun to think about what planets we could discover. We wrote about them during our writing sessions and then made an art interpretation of what they would look like. Please enjoy our space wall.