Thursday, 23 April 2015


Room 15 have enjoyed learning and creating pieces of ANZAC inspired art this week. We have been discussing what and why we have ANZAC day, read some lovely ANZAC stories and created poppy art. The week ended with an ANZAC service assembly.

Please if you can other the weekend take an opportunity to take you child to a parade or service as this will help to reinforce some of the ideas learnt during this week and we will be continuing to look at ANZAC next week also.

The view through our poppy and New Zealand flagged Room 15 window. (above)

Our amazing poppy paintings (below)

Below is Room 15's ANZAC service remembrance picture.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Welcome to the new term and our new students

Room 15 are very lucky to have 6 new students join our class from Room 14 for the rest of the school year. We are very excited to have our new classmates join us and look forward to welcoming them to our wonderful group.

William, LeDainian, Yuvi, Amir, Leon and Zachary

Just a reminder of things to remember this term:

  • Tuesday Mornings are now our Library Mornings we will be going at 9:10am
  • Wednesday Afternoons at 13:40-14:10 are Room 15's swimming lessons so please bring your swimming togs and towels.
Also please remember to bring your book bags into school each morning and a reading book will be sent home each night Monday - Thursday. On Fridays students will be bringing home their poetry books please read these with your child over the weekend.  

We will also be sending home spelling books again starting Monday in week 2. These words are to be learnt Monday - Thursday and will be checked and tested on a Friday.

Keep up all the great support and home 

We are going to have a great term